Whether you’re looking to enhance your AML strategies or foster a culture of critical thinking, we offer the expertise and tools to transform how you assess money laundering risk.

With our RAMP adversarial risk assessment, you can de-risk criminals—not legitimate clients.

Break free from regulatory constraints and empower your teams to innovate with our in-house training, designed to make you think for yourself.

Tired of the same old narratives at AML conferences? Our thought-provoking speaking sessions challenge conventional thinking, tackling the real issues that hinder progress against dirty money.

The RAMP methodology is built on a strong foundation of criminological theories, including Routine Activity Theory, Rational Choice Theory, Situational Awareness, and Crime Script Theory. By using crime scripting and critical realism, RAMP provides a deeper understanding of how money laundering really occurs, addressing factors often overlooked. This innovative approach goes beyond traditional AML approaches, which tend to focus on red flags in siloed typologies, and instead proactively identifies criminal abuse across products, services, and opportunities that would otherwise remain undetected.
Partner with us today to gain early insights into the development of our groundbreaking RAMP technology, designed to simulate criminal thinking and uncover hidden money laundering strategies beyond standard regulations—giving your organization a competitive advantage.


Are your risk-averse AML controls holding back customer growth?

Access RAMP adversarial risk assessment to de-risk criminals, not legitimate clients.


You know more than you think!

Let us break you free from regulatory constraints and empower your teams to innovate in AML strategies.

Our training takes you beyond AML compliance and into the minds of criminals, dynamically strategising money laundering schemes.

Through interactive sessions, we’ll identify your knowledge gaps, enhance your critical thinking, and foster collaboration within your organisation.

You’ll receive actionable recommendations to strengthen your detection strategies, improve overall effectiveness, and energise your teams with unique knowledge that others lack.

We understand the need for fresh, thought-provoking discussions that challenge conventional “wisdom” and inspire meaningful action.
Our engaging speaking topics are designed to stimulate critical thinking and make you the smartest person in the room.
Here are some examples of the challenging topics we cover:
  • From Confusion to Clarity: Addressing the Fundamental Misunderstandings in Money Laundering
  • Criminal Minds vs Compliance: Rethinking Money Laundering Detection Methodology
  • Bridging the Gap: Aligning Regulatory Perspectives with Real Money Laundering Risks
  • Reclaiming the Purpose: From Compliance Fatigue to Making Criminals Pay
  • From Frustration to Functionality: Killing False Positives with a Human Intelligence Approach
  • Refocusing Regulatory Attention: Penalising Criminal Enterprises Instead of Legitimate Businesses
  • Innovating for Inclusion: Addressing the Financial Strain of AML on SMEs and Others


Are you tired of listening to the same patronising messages at AML conferences?

Do you want to learn how to change the compliance paradox that hampers progress?


At Vortex Risk we have taken the time to understand money laundering – like no one else before.

Our extensive research data indicates that by breaking down money laundering into numerous typology reports, we only ever detect a tiny number of inexperienced criminals who made mistakes when designing their schemes. These mistakes include incorrectly filling in trade finance documentation, failing to understand typical trade practices in a given sector, trading in high-risk goods or geographies, initiating transactions that violate the bank’s internal risk appetite policies, and many others.

Skilled money launderers do not trigger regulatory red flags; they run their operations undisturbed. Unfortunately, these are the majority, as evidenced by low prosecution rates globally.

Vortex Risk changes these dynamics by approaching money laundering from a criminal perspective of pick-and-mix opportunities beyond those contained in regulatory guidelines and depicted by ineffective red flags.

The knowledge behind Vortex Risk supports a proactive approach, allowing for appropriate money laundering risk mitigation controls while safely growing business activities. Our clients experience reduced reliance on expensive and ineffective regulatory compliance technologies, defensive Suspicious Activity Report filing, and the need to implement damaging de-risking measures. Furthermore, law enforcement efforts are enhanced, and compliance teams gain greater insight into how money laundering is being undertaken.

Vortex Risk puts its clients in the driver’s seat so they can effectively apply the Risk-Based Approach and demonstrate how their bank is closed to dirty money.